
During class this week I learned about logical fallacies. Now knowing what logical fallacies are; I  set out to go and find examples in my everyday life. One example that caught my eye was a dentist commercial. Were the commercial states that four out five dentist recommend a toothpaste. Twitter is also becoming a great place to find example. I have notice when talking about a social issue, many user enjoy deflecting conversation to better suit them. One example is gun reform, were individuals call for strict gun rules; people tend to interpret that as banning all guns. Which fits their narrative to have a solid argument to win. I also just recently heard a friend talking about his wedding date. When booking his venue he persuaded the agent with an either or fallacy. Were he told the agent that he either gets a good price on the venue or he can look else where. Logical fallacies are in our every day life you just need to look nor further to find them.
